Another Note on the Asbury Revival
Another crazy thing. As I was leaving the revival one night, I ran into Mark Wilson. He had come down from Florence, KY. He would be driving home late, but felt like he had to come! The pastor who led him to the Lord had been greatly affected by the 1950 revival. Mark got to Asbury a few years after the 1970 revival.
Mark has taught me most of what I know about church planting. He has generously given me all kinds of magazines he had, has sat with me countless times, teaching not only the how-to’s but the spiritual foundations of prayer, witnessing, and discipleship.
Yesterday I was talking to a guy who was at a 50th anniversary celebration for the 1970 revival. He said it was absolutely amazing to see so many people who had given their lives to the callings they received at that revival.
I think of Jimmie Rose, one of Kentucky’s greatest high school basketball coaches, who left a promising career with Adolph Rupp because he was called to be an evangelist at the 1950 revival.
I keep saying I won’t live long enough to see the fruit of this revival. But I will be pouring gasoline on the fires being kindled now.