What do we mean when we say someone is Christlike, and what does it reveal about what we think about Jesus? Being told you are Christ-like is the highest compliment that can be paid…sort of. I say “sort of” because I think what we generally mean does not really do justice to Christ, is almost a caricature of Him.
When we say someone is Christ-like, we usually mean they are kind, loving, sacrificial, generous, and humble. We rightly value such traits, and indeed, it is only in the love of and for Christ that we see the real value of such things. But is the that the sum of being Christ-like? Is that the complete picture of who He was?
What does it mean for our theology and discipleship that we would reduce Christ to what we mean when we say someone is Christ-like? What if there were a person who:
Warns people there is a coming judgment?
Tells people there is only one true religion?
Calls people to repentance?
Proclaims the basis of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell?
Makes disciples?
Is faithful in carrying out the Great Commission?
Would we call this person Christ-like? Would that be our definition of Christ-likeness? In the list above, of things we do not normally consider when we call someone Christ-like, I would argue those actions are the hallmark of loving our neighbors: to warn people to flee the wrath to come, to show them how to be saved, to carry on the work of Christ. One of John Wesley’s points he made about the sermon on the mount has stuck with me: blessed are the peacemakers refers to evangelists, the ones who help condemned sinners find peace with God, through Jesus Christ. The beatitudes may contain the essence of Christian teaching:
We are blessed when we realize we have nothing but Christ.
We are blessed when we mourn over our sins.
We are blessed when our trust is in God, not the world.
We are blessed when we seek to be sanctified.
We are blessed when we take care of the poor from our abundance.
We are blessed when our motivation is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts.
We are blessed when we show others how to find peace with God through Jesus Christ.
We are blessed when we are persecuted for the love of Christ in us.
What could be more Christlike than this?
To be kind, loving, generous, sacrificial and humble in general terms is not sufficient to describe Christ or Christian character. These are traits anyone can have here and there. They are not unique to Christ.
Let’s not reduce Christ to basic human goodness, achievable by anyone here and there. Let us look above, to the author and perfecter of our faith, to find what should define His followers, and let Him impart such to us. Something to think about.
Thank you Dr. Mansfield!