1. Well, I have some news: I have been named the Director of Church Planting for Disciple 21 (D21). That sounds a little over the top, because I do not have a budget or a staff… just a dream. But that’s the point, I am good at running down a dream. All we have at D21 is a desire to obey Jesus’ Great Commission to “go into all nations, making disciples, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded.”
I am put in mind of the circuit rider Asbury sent to the Old Southwest (basically, Mississippi and Louisiana). He told him his boundaries were Alabama on the east, Tennessee to the north, the Gulf Of Mexico to the South, and to the west, the setting sun.
My job will be to pour gasoline on the fire of discipleship and evangelism wherever I see it. Pray for me as I start this venture. I am working with two old friends, Iosmar Alvarez and Gary Ball, and a host of new friends. We love Jesus.
One of my main tasks as a pastor is to make disciples…so here we go, another avenue for that! I firmly believe that part of the call to Trinity Hill was the fertile ground of Lexington and the active mindset of the church, to be a place where we encourage, train, and release disciple-makers.
When I started this substack, it was with the idea of keeping in touch with friends and supporters, encouraging people in discipleship growth, but it was especially to recruit prayer warriors. That is even more important now.
2. I tested positive for COVID last week. I have generally been ok. It has felt like a normal flu. But I am as tired as I ever recall being. I know that I have not had it as bad as others. The thing is, I can really attribute it to prayer. I know so many people have been praying for me!
3. My friend, Rev. Matthew Johnson, publishes something called “The Guide to Holiness.” It is a collection of testimonies to entire sanctification. I want to encourage you to subscribe to it. Perhaps it will light the fire in us, to seek sanctification. You can subscribe by clicking here
I hope all of you are growing in the knowledge of the Lord!