First Annual Conference
Thursday thru Saturday was the convening conference for the MidSouth Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church. An annual conference is the basic adminsitrative unit of a regional Methodist body.
Thursday started with amazing worship. It was at Trinity Hill, and out music staff blew it out. It was the first service in our renovated sanctuary. 500+ people singing so loud you could hardly hear the musicians and singers leading us!
We had an incredible time of fellowship, with so many people from Trinity Hill providng refreshments and working to help people from 4 states get to know each other!
A lot of hard work went into the conference, and I am not sure that anyone was at it harder than Jessie. Every church that joined, every pastor that had his or her ordination transferred from the United Methodist Church, every person ordained Saturday, Jessie processed thos applications. She put in long hours, more than anyone knows. Friday got off to a rough start. Jessie said the right side of her face felt numb, and I noticed her mouth was kind of twisted. Then her eye started drooping. I took her to the ER, really worried she was having a stroke. Turns out it is Bell’s Palsy, and we are hopeful it will go away with time. Add that to your prayers, please. The devil was working to sideline her. She really is the linchpin of this conference. Nothing we are trying to do matters if we don’t have churches and pastors, and she is the one getting them processed. The devil was too late and Jessie is too tough for his schemes to work. She was back for Friday evening session, and worked tirelessly at the ordination service. She may be the person everyone knows. So many people have emailed and talked to her on the phone that it was non-stop getting to meet people face to face. All told, she is doing well. Right now she needs to rest from the past 2 months’ sprint.
This was the best Annual Conference I have ever been to Not just because it had a lot of energy as the first Conference; we consciously prioritized worship and preaching. We did the business we needed to. And then it was time to give glory to God.
Saturday… what can I say? Ordination in Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University, where revival broke out a few months back. 107 people ordained. Not sure how Bishop Jones has a voice after all that preaching, praying, and ordaining. There was so much joy. We blew it out in worship again. Many tears as people who thought their work and experience would never be validated were ordained. 107. When I was ordained in 2004, there were 2 of us.
I pray we can keep the unity of the Spirit. I pray we can stay focused on the Great Commission. I think we are in revival, and I pray we will not quench the Spirit by backbiting, seeking status and power. May we remain a group of dirtbag preachers.
I am taking 8 people to church planter training in Pittsburgh next month.
We might have a church planter for my baby, Louisville.
Soon I head out to talk to two groups of lay people about starting new churches from the remnant of churches that did not disaffiliate.
As always, remember to pray that we multiply disciples, leaders, and churches.