Going Door to Door
What a day! We had two different groups passing out doorhangers today. We had 5000 printed up. I cannot say enough about that. Two fellows, Jim Jordan and Bob Harmon had the heart to have the doorhangers designed and printed so that we could let our neighbors know we are still here post-covid! I am so stoked that Jim and Bob wanted to do this!
Yesterday morning, a hot day with rain threatening, 11 of us went out! We covered a lot of ground. Our assistant pastor, Michael Coston, had us all lined out with a handy map that we could highlight where we had been. Three youth, Drake, Kendall and Nadia went, too! Our youth pastor Ben had been toughing it out with me in the heat already, and he was back for more. Our children’s pastor made sure we could also attach a VBS invitation… man it has been busy. Thanks to Bob, Anitria, Jessie, Fran, and Laurie for getting out there with us.
We have a shade less than 5000 doorhangers because Nadia and I have done some and a few other people have also taken them.
Yesterday evening, the second group went out, 10 more! Again, thanks to Sue, Val, Lindsie, Morgan, Sarah, Tim, James, Jemma and Emily! I guess all told, we probably have gotten out about half of the cards. I love this kind of stuff, so I will be pounding the pavement some more through the coming weeks and invite anyone to join me!
Why would we go to this trouble? It’s hot. It’s a lot of door hangers. There is a realtor who lives in my subdivision. Every year around 4th of July, he puts out countless American flags along the main roads… each has a card of his attached to it. Why does he do it? Because it works. If you go out one time with flyers or door-hangers, it won’t work. But if you return every few months, over the long haul, people get to know you. Sometimes they are looking for the Lord right then and there. Sometimes you can convict them to turn to the Lord. Sometimes this other thing happens: they are prompted to go back to the church they have not been to in forever. I have found, over and over again, that if you go out at the call of the Lord, you will show up at a Spirit-appointed time in someone’s life.
One thing this time of visiting in the community made apparent to me, something I really felt deeply: the overwhelming nature of the task. There are just above 37000 people in our church’s ZIP code. Another 36000 in the neighboring ZIP code where I live. 5000 door hangers. We will never accomplish this task… not without a bunch more volunteers, not without other churches, and not even then! We are going to have to let God work!