So, back in May a few of us from Trinity Hill and one guy from the MidSouth finished up an Exponential Learning Community on Multiplication. A Multiplier’s Learning Community is three two-day sessions at churches that are good at mutliplying disciples, with training from top-notch leaders.
We came away with a bold plan. One of our group, Dan Jackson, said, “if there is a reason to be a holiness preacher, then there is a reason to plant holiness churches.”
So we came back with the plan not specifically for how to create a multiplication culture (although we do have that kind of plan), rather the first step is to be decidedly Methodist: call and exhort people to seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and let that love for God and neighbor drive our efforts to reach out. I believe that is a prime basis for planting, because if we love God we want to have worship and if we love neighbor we will be driven to fulfill the Great Commission so they can know Jesus!