To everyone involved in planting churches: you glorious bunch of dirtbags, lay and clergy alike, let us remember what we are doing this for.
Obviously the Great Commission is first and foremost.
But don’t forget the Great Commandment! Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.
If I love God, I obey Him, and thus I am sold out to the Great Commission.
If I love my neighbor, the best I can do for him or her is to lead them to Jesus, and new churches are a great way to do that!
I am just coming back from some hospital visits. It has been one of those days… three serious issues in the lives of dear people in my church.
How awesome to plant churches where people can worship, find fellowship, and the prayer and support of the church in times of trouble, and pastors to care for them!
Don’t lose sight of everything that is at stake. I am burdened for people who don’t have a church or a pastor. Let us plant churches that plant churches, because we will never reach people by planting one church here and there.