Level 1 churches are declining; Level 3 churches are growing; Level 5 churches are multiplying; they reproduce, and their children (disciples, new churches) also reproduce.
It is helpful to think of magnets that draw churches towards decline, growth, or multiplication. [I have written on this a bit before… click here to get a refresher].
Churches at each level have certain sayings…
Level 1 says “please stay.” They are in decline and can’t afford to keep losing, but, man, “please stay” is some sad country song action.
Level 3 says “please come.” Pretty good, because Level 3 churches have a huge commitment to a culture of invitation. If they can get people in the doors, they might get them to stick.
Level 5 says “please go.” Not that they are mad at you, not that they don’t like you… but a multiplying church is looking to see people follow what Jesus has for you to do, and that is not to stay at church. You come to be built up and filled up, and then you go with the Spirit out into the world.
And Level 5 churches, in making disciples and planting churches, ask 2 really important questions when they read Scripture:
What are we supposed to do together?
How are we going to do it in the world? That is, how will this be a witness to how Christians live, love, and act?
Josh? Bro, if you saw us no way we all fit in that car...
Haha one of the planters was in Pittsburg carpool with you for river network.